Welcome to Mahalo Properties

We offer investment partnerships in residential and commercial real estate in Alberta. Where others see challenge in the market, we see opportunity. We are looking for real estate investment partners, tenants, as well as tenants who would like to become homeowners.

We invest in people, property, and profitability.

At Mahalo, we pursue the long term rewards of  matching our joint venture partners with strategic real estate investment properties.  Then we match quality tenants with those properties. Finally, we look after the properties and the tenants. We only manage properties we have invested in ourselves. This makes us great joint venture partners, but also makes us invested, responsive landlords.

Connecting great people with great properties.

That’s the Mahalo Properties way.


At Mahalo Properties, we offer a turn-key real estate investment solution. You invest in a property with us, we manage the tenants and property maintenance, and you reap the worry-free rewards.


Mahalo Properties is committed to personal and prompt  attention to our tenants’ needs. We know our tenants, and we take pride in caring for them and their homes.

Real estate is an imperishable asset, ever increasing in value. It is the most solid security that human ingenuity had devised. It is the basis of all security and about the only indestructible security.

– Russell Sage